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Danny McWest

Danny McBride went on Jimmy Kimmel Live this week to discuss and interesting proposal from one of music's most interesting brains:

*Start at the 4:38 minute mark for the Kanye Story:

Funniest part about this is this excerpt:

McBride: "He basically said that he was a fan, He wanted to come hangout, I think he thought I lived in Los Angeles."

"Then I was like no I live in Charleston."

"He was quite for a minute and then he goes, "okay, I can be there too""

I wish I was so rich that I could just fly wherever I wanted to see whoever I wanted. But whats funniest to me is how Kanye is a fan of Danny McBride; didn't expect the two's humors to aline. What a weird idea that I kind of love. Kanye is fucking crazy, Danny McBride is fucking crazy- it might work. It would be outrageous though.

Kanye needs to write this movie. Imagine seeing Kanye West's live from the viewpoint of the person who loves Kanye the most- himself.

I have no idea how they would do this; I feel like Kanye wouldn't care about blackface, but i'm sure McBride and his people would veto that idea real fast. Imagine a white man playing a black man in 2019. I cannot wait to see how this turns out.

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