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  • Writer's pictureKugs

Hot Dog Ice Cream

I wish this was a fake headline.

2019 has been full of weird food promotions. From the Burger King taco to the Cheez-it wine packs, companies are trying anything to sell their products today. It’s pretty smart, but I feel like companies are getting out of control to stay relevant. The newest weird promition is by far the grossest so far- hot dog ice cream sandwiches.

“The sandwich, which features cookies as "buns," contains bits of candied hot dog meat and spicy mustard ice cream.” (United Press)

Thats fucking gross. The candied hot dogs could be better than anyone would expect, but spicy mustard ice cream is taking it too far. I don’t even want to think about that. And what the fuck is hot dog sweet cream? Are they making hot dog water icing?

I thought it was a joke when I first saw this. Like when people make fake flavored things like OJ and Toothpaste Oreos or White Chocolate Peppermint Pringles. But this one is somehow 100% real and coming soon for national ice cream sandwich day, which is totally a made up thing.

This looks so fucking gross, but i’m still gonna try to try it anyway. Review coming soon hopefully.

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