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Is Antonio Brown the Biggest Asshole in Football? His Latest Fuck Up

One day after watching Hard Knocks and getting hype about the Derek Carr to AB combo, Brown has already made himself look like an asshole once again:

This fucking guy. He does nothing but complain til he gets what he wants, and he’s still selfish as fuck. I could tell while watching the show that AB only cares about himself; he carries himself with such cockiness, but I guess you deserve to if you rack in 104 catches and 15 touchdowns.

AB was such a dick and spoiled brat last season that he got the Steelers to trade him for pretty much a sac of potatoes. He wasn’t just an asshole in the Steelers organization, he’s been as asshole off the field for years.

His recent off field issues include- throwing furniture off of a balcony, driving 100 mph on McKnight Road, and even shoving the mother of one of his children. Key word “one” of his children; Brown has 5 kids with 3 baby mamas.

Brown might be dangerously close to either going over the edge or going to jail. I can’t wait for Gruden to tear him up when he finally returns to camp.

Full story of his latest fuck up here:

Yes Ryan, this is wild, and Antonio Brown is a douchebag.

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