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Karma for Gun Girl

First she pooped herself, now this. Some people just get what they deserve:

This annoying ass bitch. I have a few questions. First of all, why did she have her wedding money at a Trump rally? Why did she keep $1,500 worth of cash in a hotel room? She got what she deserved to be honest, what a fucking idiot.

This had to be a publicity stunt. She has to be doing this for sympathy. Nothing adds up. And if she really did get robbed, no one really feels bad for her.

I really hope it wasn’t the hotel worker, so this chick looks like even more of an asshole. Also who the fuck would marry this girl? Politics aside, look at her. She looks like Mr. Bean if he ate nothing but corndogs and grew blonde hair.

To make it even better she shit herself at a party once. Honestly if it was the maid or something she probably deserved that cash. I’m sure gun girls bathroom is pretty dirty and definitely smelly.

Im all for voicing your opinion, but fuck this girl, she’s just gross.

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